What is Whistleblowing?
A whistleblower scheme is an independent channel where employees and other concerned can report suspicions or specific information about serious violations or other serious matters in the Tarbit organisation.
The whistleblower scheme applies to all persons working in or on behalf of Tarbit.
The whistleblower scheme should be used to report information and matters relating to violations and serious failings by employees or other persons associated with Tarbit.
What matters can be reported?
Both violations of EU law, serious violations of national law and other serious matters can be reported, as long as the matters concern persons connected with Tarbit.
The whistleblower scheme does not apply to information of a trivial nature or information on e.g. violation of internal guidelines. However, in the case of systematic violations, it may well be that these otherwise less serious matters may be covered by the whistleblower scheme. The whistleblower scheme cannot be used to report on your own employment relationship, including conflicts between employees, cooperation issues or matters that come under the system of trade union law (serious harassment and sexual harassment are, however, covered, cf. the above, and cooperation issues are covered if they are deemed to be sufficiently serious to pose a genuine risk to human life and health).
How is a report made?
Reporting can be done anonymously in writing via a digital solution, which is managed by an external supplier. Links to the whistleblower scheme here:
In Netherlands/Dutch flag:
In Sweden/Swedish flag:
You can read more about the procedure for reporting here: https://whistleblowerpartners.com
Or in Tarbit HSE Management System 1.1.7, Ship and Shore Manuals.